Full Song Released for Rayden Valkyrie TV Pilot Project Campaign

I had an amazing surprise today!

The FULL song “Heart of a Lion”, composed and performed by Kylie Jude of Frozen Creek Studios for our upcoming TV Pilot Project campaign, to bring to life a dedicated Rayden Valkyrie television show.

Kylie Jude captured Rayden’s essence beautifully and this is a full lyrics video too. This character, this series, is all about staying strong and moving forward, onward and upward, in the face of all storms.”.

As the chorus goes:

 “You can’t break me
I will still be


To sign up on the official mailing list for the Rayden Valkyrie TV Pilot Project Campaign and to keep up with this exciting project, please visit www.raydenvalkyrie.com

Proud to Announce New Association With and Endorsement of NuHealth and Their Recharge Line of Health Supplements

I am very proud to announce a new association with and endorsement of NuHealth and their Recharge line of health supplements.  This could not be a more pure of an endorsement situation, as I have consistently used their products throughout my fitness journey, one that has seen me drop close to 180 pounds and go down eight pants sizes over the past 21 months.

Being hypothyroid, I have a challenge when it comes to a slower metabolism, and I found that using products such as Recharge Metabolism and Recharge Testosterone, for maintaining healthier metabolic rates and overall testosterone health and support (as when I started this journey I had a lower T level) was very helpful in the full process.  I also use a product of theirs called Muscle Shred 3D, also for metabolic support.  These products truly have been a valuable part of my full approach to health and fitness, which includes maintaining much healthier diet habits and a dedicated exercise regimen centered around training in the martial art Krav Maga.

Bryce and the good folks at NuHealth have always been kind and supportive of my journey, from the earliest stages and far before any kind of association was ever discussed or even any significant “before and after” picture could be taken.  They are truly engaged and good with their customers, champion healthy living, and I am convinced of their integrity having experienced it for almost two years first-hand.

With a store located in Lexington, Kentucky, NuHealth has a line of health supplement products that are also available at their online store at www.nuhealthlifestyle.com . As part of the new association, anyone who uses the code “ZFORCE” at the online store can get 25% off, including apparel items.

I am very excited to be associated with the NuHealth family.  With proven integrity on every level, and products I have found to be effective in a time-proven manner, NuHealth is a company I can put my name behind without hesitation. I am very grateful to Bryce and the NuHealth family for their support of my own fitness journey and look forward to a wonderful association ahead. Onward and Upward! 🙂