Several Manuscripts Completed and Off to the Editor!

This past week, I finished the final passes on a manuscript for a new short story collection. I have been completing several new writing projects over the past few months, including the following:

One large novel. (epic fantasy)

Three novellas.(sword and sorcery)

The new short story collection. (horror)

All are complete and off for the editing phase. I will give each of these a more proper introduction shortly, so you can see what will be coming out in terms of new releases. This batch of five manuscripts definitely contains a lot of storytelling content, totaling over 400K words overall.

I think readers of mine are going to love all of them!

I have already dived into going over notes and doing prep for the writing of two new projects, new titles for two separate series. I will be posting details about this as well, very soon. 🙂

Have a great weekend everyone!